I have struggled with eating, weight loss and food issues for most of my life, and want to be in touch with others who share the same struggle. I've lost about 135 pounds and kept it off for 3 years, and I am ready to kick the last 60 pounds out for good. Join me on my journey and share where you are on yours!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I fear social situations... I'm going to Reno this weekend and I usually bring Luna bars with me when I travel as "go to" food. They have many vitamins, soy protein and they are very yummy. But I can't live on them. I'm not worried about the notorious Reno buffet scene...there are always fruits and vegetables and I want to stay on program SO BADLY this weekend that I am planning my food in advance by blogging about it! Like they say in my Weight Watcher meetings, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". Harsh but true! Friday hangin' out with my sistah/pal Kathleen is my biggest unknown. She has already asked me in advance what I can eat, is planning a Mediterranean style hummusy feast...I e-mailed her to request Trader Joe's Eggplant Hummus since it's way lower in points for me...I'm saving up flex points during the week and planning a morning walk or jog on Saturday and Sunday. I checked the Fitzgerald's site and they don't have fitness facilities from what I can see...I'm just gonna have to get up early to beat the heat since weather.com says 95 degrees every day! I've been really busy catching up at work since I was off sick last week, and I've been slightly stressed with all the backlog of billing, computer dying on me, etc. But I've stayed on program throughout. I'm a pretty strong-willed woman. 2 whole days worth!


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